Blink book short summary in 2 minutes (Malcolm Gladwell)

Blink book short summary: Book by Malcolm Gladwell [the power of thinking without thinking]; summary, review


Quick intro and summary of the book: Blink

Blink” is a fascinating book that reveals how our brains make split-second decisions. Malcolm Gladwell, a master storyteller, takes us on a journey through the hidden world of rapid cognition. He shows us how we can use our intuition to make better choices, and how we can avoid the pitfalls of snap judgments.

The book is full of captivating stories and examples, from art experts who can spot a fake art in a blink, to police officers who can sense danger in a flash, to musicians who can improvise on the spot. Gladwell also draws on scientific research and experiments to explain the psychology behind our intuitive thinking.

The book challenges us to rethink how we make decisions, and to trust our instincts more often. It also warns us about the biases and prejudices that can cloud our judgment, and how we can overcome them. Gladwell invites us to explore the power and potential of our mind’s eye, and to discover the magic of thinking without thinking.

While some critics argue that “Blink” oversimplifies complex topics and draws broad conclusions from limited evidence, the book’s primary strength lies in its ability to spark conversation and self-reflection. It prompts readers to consider the unconscious factors that influence their choices and raises important questions about the nature of expertise and the reliability of intuition.

complete book summary

[*** I have found at least one situation which is probable relatable to all —

Remember, whenever we think that we are missing something important to carry with us , we are generally right about that. 

In my case, it is 99.1% right as whenever I am missing something, usually while leaving home I get a gut feeling which tells me “ bro you have missed something important ” and whenever I have ignored it I get ‘emotional damage’ later on ***]

 In conclusion, “Blink” is a compelling read for anyone interested in psychology, decision-making, and the fascinating ways our minds work. Malcolm Gladwell’s storytelling skill, coupled with thought-provoking insights, makes this book a valuable addition to the exploration of human behavior and cognition.

I hope you will love reading it.

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