How to Develop a Learner Mindset in just 4 simple and effective steps

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The Learner Mindset
The Learner Mindset


Developing a Learner Mindset

First, we should understand what is a learner mindset.


A learner mindset provides you openness to explore and experience new things, ideas, ways, and different areas of life with real curiosity of finding and learning something new, experiencing something new.


In simple words, a learner mindset is a virtue that serves you till your last breath as it also gives you a superpower ability which is Adaptability [ ability to learn, unlearn, and relearn]

Why is having a learner mindset so important today?


We are all aware of how technologies such as Ai are changing the world with an enormous speed which was ever recorded in history. 

Climate change ( Global warming ), pollution, population and resources scarcity are also some reasons which are changing our world.

**Most people are aware about it but only few dare to look at it, others like to ignore it, maybe they are just afraid to face it**

We can see that Ai such as Chatgpt, Midjourney have started taking down many jobs [ approx. 25% ] due to automation and the real data may be even bigger or eventually will grow bigger.

But there is also another image which shows they have provided more jobs than they have replaced as even normal people with little knowledge who were aware about it have made their ways through it.

*And the professionals who integrate themselves with their proper use have actually done miraculous jobs. 

So, now many of you might be thinking, isn’t it unfair to those who have fallen out? I will tell you the truth, life is going to be unfair to all those people of this century or ahead who cannot adapt to change. This is harsh but true.

But there will be one community that will be unaffected by changes happening “ The Learner Mindset”, people for them life is just about learning and experiencing new things as the situation gets tougher they enjoy it even more. 

They left all insecurities behind as they went beyond that. They actually live and survive effortlessly in almost every situation.


How to develop a learner mindset in just 4 simple and practical steps?


Now you know what a learner mindset is and why it is important. So here is practical guide to act upon now–


Know your interest

1. Know your Areas of Interests


There are various way to do this but the most famous and easy way to start by asking simple self-revealing questions such as –

  • What do I like most doing in my free time?
  • Which topics do I love to talk about?
  • What makes me unique from others?
  • What are the things I want to improve or change in my life?
  • What do I value most in my life? { i.e., money, knowledge, friends and family}
  • What kind of person I am now and what I want to become? 

 *You can ask same or similar question according to your priority


Goal setting

2. Now set your goal that you want to learn


After knowing your interest, you should do the following things —

  • Be clear about your goal [ why and what you want like things]
  • Research about it
  • Break it down in smaller chunks or levels 
  • Practice daily [ at least 30 min]
  • Review daily [ how you making progress]
  • Add a deadline if you like and if deadlines works for you [ It works for most people, but there still exceptions]
Increase your level

3. Simple challenges to improve daily


Try to break the limits which you have set over self by taking simple actions or you can start with like 7 days challenge or 21 days challenges .

  • You can also use Kaizen for your progress, which means improving everyday little by little.
  • Setting daily practicing time will also serve the purpose.
Change Environment

4. Use Environment Effect for learning faster


It included everything which comes in contact with you. The place where you live to the place where you work and the content which you consume. All these small changes will help you create your learner mindset.

**You need to align everything that resonates with your goal. And of course learn from watching others.


 Get a Practical Technique, read more



There is dynamic way to boost your learning a rate and chances for success [ The Secret technique for learning which is rarely used today] 



Revealing Secret of learning faster

I have also divided it in 4 steps :–

1.  Find your interest

Use the same method as you have used in the above method and then proceed…. 


 2. Set learning goals

Till now you should have found your areas of interest from which you can choose anything which you want to try now and then set a goal to achieve it —

  • It is always better to start with why? [ your objectives should be clear]
  • Dive in details about your goals [ i.e., research about it (and please don’t get lost in that)]
  • Divide into levels by breaking it down into sub-goals
  • Add an approx. deadline [ so that you can decide how much to practice daily?]
  • Review daily about your progress
  • Before doing all these you should be clear about something and that is to not set a fancy goal [ know yourself first].


3. Take learning challenges

Since you have already set a goal, it’s time to make it dynamic [ The Learner Mindset way] by simple thing and it’s very secret you know

  • Go and find out person who already knows what you want to accomplish [ offline or online any will work]
  • First try to make them friends and ask them to guide you [ if someone refuse challenge him/her that you will beat them in this field very soon]
  • Find such few people [some will be friendly, some will be competitive it’s ok to have them]
  • Now fulfill what you have promised, surpass them [ slowly or quickly depends upon you]
  • You can always try other ways to do this, it depends on your personality type

*  Make sure you don’t loose yourself doing this, we just doing it to make things interesting. So don’t overdo anything mentioned in  above lines otherwise it will become painful instead of fun; which we don’t want.

Why this technique?

This is similar to an ancient way to make progress faster. You might have heard people calling out each other for debates to prove oneself right or other wrong, but the core was to learn from each other and push each other to learn more, so did you understand why this technique might benefit you.

So, you have found your companions, good. Now what? 

Now you have 2 reason to complete your goal –

  1. You know why should complete the goal in Goal setting
  2. You know why you cannot stop till you achieve it as you have already challenged people who will be coming after you and counting on you [ That is why I have already told you not to set a fancy goal ], if you fail you know the consequences right.

You will learn many thing in this way which if you try to learn all by yourself would be quite difficult and also you will have a lot more fun.

* Make sure before you start this trick that whether you could handle it or not, are you mentally prepared for this or not as this might not be suitable for every person and of course you never know until you do.


4.Make environment suitable for learning [ from social media, work place, home]

Now since you have taken the flying arrows into your *** you can just sit and relax you already know why, so let’s prepare for this interesting journey that you have chosen for yourself :–

  • Start with your phone which you keep 24*7 by your side –  start with managing your social media pages that you follow to all content that you consume should push you towards your goal and unfollow all which may distract you from achieving it.
  • Do the same thing with home and workplace, add the resources that you need and throw out which you do not.
  • Now start practicing [ as only this can save you }

Now you are all set to go


** Important keywords recap —  People with The Learning Mindset, Openness to new ideas, Adaptability, Effortlessness, Changing world climate, Ai evolution, Ability to adapt (superpower), Knowing interests, Setting Goals, Taking Challenges, Environment Effect, Secret Technique to learn faster with fun.



Mr. Moon


2 thoughts on “How to Develop a Learner Mindset in just 4 simple and effective steps”

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